Welcome to the "Gilly Does Kili" Fundraiser

Today is both the 5th and 15th anniversary of my two open heart surgeries. To celebrate, I have decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro as a fundraiser for the American Heart Association, which I will do the second half of this month.
On September 3, 2003 I had an aortic aneurysm repaired and my aortic valve replaced with a valve from a pig. Unfortunately, that little pig valve couldn't quite keep up with me and it began to tear in 2013. On September 3, 2013 (10 years to the day from my first surgery) I had my aortic valve replaced again; this time with a valve from a cow.
Every year on or around September 3rd I celebrate my life and health by doing something I would not have been able to do if it weren’t for the success of these surgeries. In previous years I have run a marathon, hiked long distances, and climbed several 14ers (mountains in Colorado above 14,000 feet), but I think Kilimanjaro will be the biggest challenge yet!
I would love to have your support in this adventure. If you are interested in contributing to the fundraiser, donations of any amount are greatly appreciated and can be made through the link below. As our contribution to this cause, Jocelyn and I will personally match all donations up to $2,500.
Thanks for your support!

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