Our future is about improving yours.

2024 North Country Heart Walk

Our Honorees

Dan Siver photoMeet Dan

Dan Siver has a new lease on life – and a new heart. Several years ago, Dan was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. After repeated hospital stays and heart failure incidents, his quality of life had been drastically reduced. Dan received an LVAD, or left ventricular assist device, to pump his blood for him. After three years of being hooked up to the LVAD, Dan got on the transplant list last year and received his new heart in November!


Nathan photoMeet Nathan

When Nathan was 6 months old, doctors said he was in heart failure. They discovered Nathan was born with a rare condition called ALCAPA, or anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery. Simply put, the blood that fed the left side of Nathan’s heart was coming from the wrong spot. Nathan needed surgery to help his heart recover. There will always be permanent damage, but he has recovered amazingly well and will live a normal life with no restrictions.


It only takes a few steps to save lives like Dan and Nathan.

Sign up for the Heart Walk, step out, and share your personal why.