With your lifesaving gift, we can build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Thank you!
Your Donation to: Margot Kolb
Your Gift
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Online donations have a $10 minimum
An installment gift allows you flexibility to give at a higher level and pay over time.
A recurring gift allows you the flexibility to choose the duration of your donations.
You're Supporting Heart-Healthy Lives
You're helping me get one step closer to my goal of $1,000.00.
Life is why the American Heart Association exists
For the littlest baby and the oldest grandparent, you can change and even save their life. With your donation today, you are why families will stay together after heart disease threatens to tear them apart.
For support inquiries, click below to chat or you can contact the help desk at schools@cdsfulfillment.com or 1-877-824-8531.