Please join us at the Richland County Go Red for Women Luncheon

1 in 3. That’s the price women pay for cardiovascular disease. While nearly 80 percent of cardiac events can be prevented, cardiovascular diseases continue to be a woman’s greatest health threat, claiming the lives of 1 in 3 women. You are invited to this year’s Richland County Go Red for Women luncheon, where we will be raising awareness and taking action to end heart disease and stroke in women. Please join us to celebrate the journey.

Support the first Richland County Go Red for Women by purchasing your ticket below. A portion of your $25 ticket will support the American Heart Association’s lifesaving efforts in the fight against heart disease. You can also join us as a sponsor of this event!

$25 One ticket to the 2019 Richland County Go Red for Women Luncheon

Sponsorship Opportunities
$500 - Table Sponsor
$1,000 - Executive Table Sponsor
$1,500 - Day of Event Sponsor

For more information, please contact to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.

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