Paisley Park 3
2 Members

Fundraising Progress $1,190.89
Fundraising Goal $3,000
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We Walk to Save Lives!

Hi all, We're walking in the 2025 American Heart Walk to raise money for this important cause, our team name is Paisley Park 3.

My granddaughter Paisley Rae, was diagnosed with a severe congenital heart defect called “Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome” at 22 weeks gestation. With this diagnosis, the left side of the heart does not form properly and can  not effectively pump blood to the body. In short, paisley does not have the left side of her heart!

There is no cure for Congenital Heart Disease and surgery will not “fix” her heart, it will only reroute blood flow and give her time with the heart she was given. On April 10th 2022, our sweet girl made her arrival, ready to beat all odds.

On April 26th, 2022 Paisley underwent her first open heart  surgery, The Norwood Operation. 54 days later after being in the pediatric cardiac intensive care unit recovering, Paisley came home!

On August 26, 2022 Paisley was taken in for her second open heart surgery. Paisley’s operation ran smoothly with few complications however, she still needed assistance with her oxygen.

At this time Paisley is doing well and is a candidate for her third surgery to take place this year.  You look at Paisley and you would never imagine or know that she has any issues, never mind only has half of her heart.  

This is just the beginning of Paisleys fight with (CHD) Congenital Heart Disease. Prior to her diagnosis via ultrasound at just 22 weeks gestation our family had no knowledge or awareness of CHD. Please help us bring awareness to all these heart warriors who battle with CHD daily by sharing Paisleys story with a friend, family member, or even a coworker!

Thank you all for love & support through this journey.