Thursday, June 5, 2025
Team Captain:
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Niki Schaefer's Team Achievements:
Team $1,000Team Goal Met
Niki Schaefer's Team1 Members
Why We Ride
2025 Cleveland CycleNation
Niki Schaefer's Team
Well, I'm chairing this event so I better do a good job since I'm asking for all of your support!
In all seriousness, I am doing this because I am able to, despite having a stroke at 38 years old. I've got to do something with that luck to make it count. I failed to take my own heart and brain health seriously and made some life-risking decisions that I'd like to help prevent other people from making by raising awareness about the signs, preventative measures and treatment of strokes.
Almost every one of us knows someone who has been affected by stroke and heart disease - which claim far too many lives. Please join us by supporting the life-saving mission of the American Heart Association | American Stroke Association and become a champion of groundbreaking research, helping people live healthier, better lives! CycleNation is going to be a high-energy, fun party on a bike - and we're looking forward to you joining us! Join our team or support us with a donation today!