Almost every one of us knows someone who has been affected by stroke and heart disease - which claim far too many lives. Now is our chance to make a difference! I am riding with my Team at a CycleNation event and we need your help to make an impact in our community. Join us by supporting the life-saving mission of the American Stroke Association | American Heart Association and become a champion of groundbreaking research, helping people live healthier, and saving lives! Thank you in advance for supporting me with a donation today. Together, we have the power to stop the cycle of stroke and heart disease!

Lauren's Event:
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Lauren's Team:
Lauren's Company:
Lauren's Achievements:
Team CaptainMade a DonationUpdated PageGot 1st Donation$100 Hero$250 Medalist$500 WarriorGoal Met
Lauren Meehan
Fundraising Progress $825
Fundraising Goal $250
Why I Ride
Welcome to My Personal Page

$500 Raised
Great work -- you've got this fundraising thing down!

Personal Donation
I made a donation towards my fundraising goal!
Personal Progress:
of Goal
Fundraising Honor Roll
Community Team
* HCA Healthcare (MG)
Martin Soto
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