14 years ago Rj was born with heart defects (CHD)Tetralogy of Fellot and Pulmonary Atresa it has changed our lives .he has had 6 open heart surgery's and many cathrizations. They found his heart defect in my ultrasound sound. But it not only effects your heart he gets migraines,leg pain,learning disability,astma and I could go on. rj is in research studys that the American Heart Association are funding we want to help anyway we can and by donating and walking for the American Heart Association you can help these strong children stay strong.we need research rj will have to have his 6th open heart surgery his conduit prostetic artery does not grow with him. this is why i walk so maybe just maybe the next baby that is born with chd wont have to have so many surgeries or invasive procedures .please help me with my why and also I walk for those that have heart disease and stroke in memory of my Aunt dee dee,Uncle ray, pappy Rege,
My father in law pappy mcgregor who my kids did not get to meet and also those who are living and fighting cousin Johanna,boomy aka Larry taylor,Kevin Dudly,Dave Reggeri chd babys stella,cale,tylor,rj,and so many more not enough space to mention all
Thank you in advance for your support! You are all rjs angels