Elizabeth Mazzone

Fundraising Progress $2,350.73
Fundraising Goal $1,000

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I Walk to Save Lives!

Kathy Wolfe June 9th 1967 -February 7 2017

I am grateful for the almost 50 years of having my sister in my life!  Although Kathy had heart issues and needed a transplant she had the BIGGEST, KINDEST heart of anyone I know.   Compassionate, caring, thoughful, generous, loving, these are only a few words to discribe my sister.  Along with picky, moody and cranky sometimes!!  But ALWAYS with a smile!! 

Kathy made her home at Tufts in Boston for close to 10 months waiting for a heart.  She, as we all did formed a bond with all the nurses and doctors taking care of her during that time.   

July 3 2014 was a day we will never forget with many emotions.  Someone lost a life and Kathy gained hers back with their heart.  Six hours in the waiting room seemed like a lifetime, but worth every minute.  Kathy had a new heart!!! 

We were all able to enjoy another 2.5 years with Kathy, there were good days and some tough days for her but again that smile of hers would make you smile.   

We continue to do the Heart Walk each year in memory of Kathy and in hopes that our efforts and donations will make it possible to help save a life for another family.   Please understand ANY amount is greatly appreciated and if you can't donate then please pass a smile along to someone, it could make their day as Kathy's smile did for us!!  

As always thank you  from my heart for all your  support in past years. 

Team Wolfe Pack!!!