This is my pup Biscuit's and my second AHA Heart Walk together. About 15 years ago I went to a work-based health fair and found out my blood pressure to be 130/140. The tech told me that my blood pressure was going to kill me. There's a history of heart disease in my family so I took this very seriously.
I saw my doctor, started medication and changed my lifestyle, which included losing weight and exercizing more. One of my favorite ways of exercizing is by walking with my dog Biscuit (her full name is Frisky Jumpin' Biscuit.)
Through diet and exercize, I lost more than 100 pounds and no longer need medication for high blood pressure. Biscuit and I walk for not only my own health, but also for yours. And for the health of our parents, our children, and our grandchildren.
Your donation will fund groundbreaking research that literally keeps hearts beating and helps people have longer, healthier lives.
This year, as we celebrate the Centennial of the American Heart Association, we will move health and well-being forward in important and critical ways. This relentless pursuit will continue until heart disease and stroke no longer exist.
Have a heart and help me reach my goal today.