My dad had his first stroke my third year of college. I ended up leaving school to help him recover. It was the first, which means not the last. His last came 18 years later, six months after his 90th birthday. He had smoked since he was 15 yrs old and only stopped at 78 after a major heart attack.
I walk because I know that without the research and knowledge of great doctors, my dad would not have had those extra 18 years. Years to watch his grandkids be born, to teach them how to fish, and tell them stories and be present in their lives.
We're all tied to heart disease and stroke in some way. We have to change that. Will you help me?
Your donation will fund groundbreaking research that literally keeps hearts beating and helps people have longer, healthier lives.
Have a heart and help me reach my goal today. XOXO - Jen