Year SIX for Team Carter! For those who may not know, Carter was diagnosed with aortic stenosis and ascending aortic enlargement right before he turned two months old. It is a congenital heart defect that affects 1% of babies and happens within the first 8 weeks of development. We were sent to get an echo to rule in/out a heart murmur that his pediatrician detected and were thrown for a loop when we learned he had the defect. Since his diagnosis, he has been doing SO much better and each visit continues to amaze his doctor that we can prolong surgery and possibly never have one! He was on a surgery consult at 4 months old and (ironically) thanks to COVID, we had to postpone for a month and at the next appointment, his tests and images had improved significantly. His heart doctor's initial goal was to get him to a year old without needing surgery, so hopefully we continue to crush that goal! Surgery can vary from a simple catheter to a valve replacement to an open heart surgery. Research is constantly being done to try and find less invasive procedures to help maintain a normal, healthy life and even be able to participate in sports. Our goal is to raise $2,500 this year.