Keri Sciuto

Fundraising Progress $1,130.76
Fundraising Goal $1,000

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I Walk to Save Lives!

Two years ago, on February 27, 2023, the unthinkable happened. We went from a family of 4 to a family of 3. My loving husband and our girls amazing father, passed suddenly from cardiac arrest. Matt was 46 years old. Our girls were only 9 and 11. 
While trying to navigate this nightmare, one thing I promised myself and to our girls that I would keep Matt's memory alive in everything we do. So that's what we do. We honor him in big ways and in small ways. One way we have decided to honor him this year is to walk on May 4th to raise money to support the American Heart Association. 
Accoring to the Ameican Heart Association, Cardiac arrests happen at work, in homes, on athletic fields and in neighborhoods everywhere, and the readiness of our community can be the difference between life and death. ​It's time to unite, take action, and save lives. Every dollar donated, means more people trained in lifesaving CPR, more research and more lifesaving moments for everyone. Together, we can turn bystanders into lifesavers.​
So, on Sunday, May 4th, we will walk to save lives and to honor Matt like we try to do every day to keep him memory alive.  We hope you can join us at the walk and make a donation in honor of Matt Sciuto. ❤