Hello. My name is Royce Robertson, and I have a rare auto-immune heart condition called Cardiac Sarcoidosis. In the simplest terms, the nodes in my heart have an inflammation that causes palpitations and lightheadedness. The most common outcome of Cardiac Sarcoidosis is cardiac arrest. Overall, very little is known about its origins; however, the treatments are well-documented. In December 2016, I had a portable defibrillator implanted in my chest. While this has been an adjustment for me and my family, it has also been a call to action. In reality, I am fortunate. I received warning signals. And, my health insurance provides excellent coverage. There are many who are not as fortunate. My call to action is simple: On April 24, here in the Syracuse area, I will walk for my heart and for the hearts of others. I need your help. Please donate to my walking campaign.