This walk falls during Jason’s Birthday Month - his 50th Birthday that we did not think he would see. I walk because 3 and a half years ago, Jason was diagnosed with heart failure and was placed in a ‘life vest’. Along with a laundry list of medical issues, he continued to struggle with his conditions. He was given a grim prognosis.
On Aug 1, 2022 - his life changed forever. He suffered a massive stroke that we were uncertain he would survive. After 26 days in the hospital, he came home.
Thanks to the AMAZING physicians and providers at Vanderbilt for caring for him, he has an ICD/pacemaker and he has been improving and is living his life -“he is GOOD ENOUGH” and I’ll take it! LOL - He’s beat the initial 3 yr prognosis!! He’s here and we’re WALKING!
I’ll be walking for him - and how far he has come in these 2 years. I’ll also be walking for our daughter who could be carrying the genetic predisposition to some of his heart conditions. I know that with every step, I am saving lives.
We're all tied to heart disease and stroke in some way. We have to change that. Will you help me?
Your donation will fund groundbreaking research that literally keeps hearts beating and helps people have longer, healthier lives.
This year, as we celebrate the Centennial of the American Heart Association, we will move health and well-being forward in important and critical ways. This relentless pursuit will continue until heart disease and stroke no longer exist.
Have a heart and help me reach my goal today.