Help me be a Heart Walk Hero!
My Reason Why: My Auntie Pamela Banks carried out her daily activities, as she walked around dragging her left leg for two weeks, before she was hospitalized. Her medical doctor diagnosed her with arthritis (in her left leg). The day of her death Saturday, August 6, 2005, a blood clot rushed to her heart, causing a massive heart attack. Her death is actually ironic because she had a "big" heart, figuratively speaking, it probably took something as major as a blood clot to stop her heart, she was such a loving and caring individual. I can't help but to be sentimental every time I tell her story.
I'm sure that there were signs of her blood clot that we were not aware of that was probably shared through research from the American Heart Association; this research is provided through generous donations to educate our communities. I would like to challenge everyone that reads this message to visit the American Heart Associate webpage to educate yourself on Matters of the Heart (to include heart disease, hypertension, and stroke), so that you can prevent you or your loved ones from a broken heart.
Once again, thank you to everyone that will or has donated/participated in such a wonderful and worthy cause, you are appreciated!