This year I suffered a major heart attack, and thankfuly to all the innovation and technology available I survived.
This is a fundraiser very near and dear to my heart, so please take a moment to read.
As you may be aware the heart walk is going to have bigger meaning for me than it has in the past.
If you don't know the story, the evening of Feb 1st 2023 I'd begun my workout routine, as I've been trying to get in better shape. After starting my workout I started to not feel well and stopped and decided to go home and rest. When I got into my vehicle the feeling was getting worse and snice I knew Shay was coming over I called her and asked her to take me to the emergency room once we both bot home. I just assumed that I'd walk in see a Dr, given a little medication, and be told to follow up with my primary physician. Little did I know that this event would have a huge impact on my life, quite literally. While in the ER they did an EKG and as they saw those results rushed me over to start getting ready for surgery. Once they got me seated and started to put IV and other lines into I coded. My heart stopped beating for 3 minutes before they were able to revive me with CPR. After I was resuscitated I was rushed from Duke's HR to WakeMed's cardiology department for emergency surgery. After 3-4 hours, it's hard to remember now I came out with 3 stents and a painful recovery in front of me.
I'd like to think that as a survivor all the work that the AHA does, not just for research but to education into signs of heart attack helped save my life.
I know everyone's financial situations may not let them donate but if possible please feel free to share this.