My daughter is the reason I walk, she was 14 yrs old, got sick with Covid, shortly after she was diagnosed with an anomalous aortic origin right coronary artery and lived with daily, constant chest pain for a year and a half after that until her surgery to repair her AAORCA. We were lucky, a lot of AAORCA’s are not detected until a teenager has a sudden cardiac event.
I walk because not all parents are as lucky as Troy and I that Ches’ was found prior to her having a sudden cardiac event.
I walk knowing that education and research is needed. I walk so that awareness of undetected congenital heart defects are detected earlier.
I walk because everyone should know what to do if someone they love has a cardiac event. I know that with every step, I am saving lives.
Your donation will fund groundbreaking research that literally keeps hearts beating and helps people have longer, healthier lives. Research that will help stop parents from losing their children, children from losing their parents.
Have a heart and help me reach my goal today.