I keep doing the Heart Walk for
Since the last Heart Walk, I can drive again & have a new Equinox. My new 3 lead pacemaker / defibrillator implanted in my chest and a CardioMEMS sensor implanted in my pulmonary artery are monitored nightly with results sent to the heart failure clinic. When I lay on the MEMS machine's pillow (I'd call it a slanted board) nightly, it tells me to shift a little until my position is good & then to stay still while it does the reading. When it has the information, it tells me to get up but not to turn it off, connects to the clinic, transmits the information and turns itself off. The pacemaker/defibrillator information is recorded by a device sitting within 6 feet of my bed. It sends any "out of range" heart rate information to the clinic when it happens. Research has given us these and many other devices that keep we heart failure patients out of the hospital & living our lives.
Join me in supporting continuing reearch!!
My heartfelt thanks in advance for your support!