I walk because I know, see, and treat too many people with some form of heart disease or history of stroke. Prevention is the best form of treatment, in my opinion, so I'm leading by example. I pledge to not only walk for research, but also to lead by example and be physically active for the recommended minimum of 150 minutes per week for the month leading up to the event. Will you help support me (and hold me accountable) to reach my goals? I've done this walk before, but this is the first year I've decided to truly contribute (and compete against my coworkers to see who can raise the most).
Your donation will fund groundbreaking research that literally keeps hearts beating and helps people have longer, healthier lives.
This year, as we celebrate the Centennial of the American Heart Association, we will move health and well-being forward in important and critical ways. This relentless pursuit will continue until heart disease and stroke, hopefully, no longer exist.
Have a heart and help me win/reach my goal today.