My friend Dave is Why!
In 2015, our friend Dave was visiting my parents when he suffered a sudden cardiac event. He was pulseless and not breathing. I initiated CPR while his wife called 9-1-1. I have experienced first hand the importance of CPR training and I am thankful to still have Dave in my life! I'm not just walking. I'm Heartwalking. Imagine the impact if we reduce death and disability from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Please help me reach this lifesaving goal by donating today. Together, we can make healthier, longer lives possible for everyone.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Jennifer Murphy
Fundraising Progress
Fundraising Goal
I Walk to Save Lives!
My friend Dave is Why!
In 2015, our friend Dave was visiting my parents when he suffered a sudden cardiac event. He was pulseless and not breathing. I initiated CPR while his wife called 9-1-1. I have experienced first hand the importance of CPR training and I am thankful to still have Dave in my life! I'm not just walking. I'm Heartwalking. Imagine the impact if we reduce death and disability from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Please help me reach this lifesaving goal by donating today. Together, we can make healthier, longer lives possible for everyone.
Thank you in advance for your support!