As a stroke survivor, I know the research the American Heart Association is doing is vital.
When I had my stroke, there wasn't any medication to help me. But in recent years, two of my friends have had strokes and received a clot-busting drug that allowed them to return to normal within hours.
It took me a couple of years to recover from my stroke. The clot-busting drug helped my friends within hours. It is truly a life-saving drug.
So, now I'm asking you to help me raise funds for more research so that life-saving medication will touch more people.
Your donation will fund groundbreaking research that literally keeps hearts beating and helps people have longer, healthier lives.
This year, as we celebrate the Centennial of the American Heart Association, we will move health and well-being forward in critical ways. This relentless pursuit will continue until heart disease and stroke no longer exist.
Have a heart and help me reach my goal today.