I walk because I know that with every step, I am saving lives.
I walk for my husband Ken who has advanced CHF and for my father in law Walt who benefited from advancements made possible through research with an artificial heart and later heart transplant.
In 2024 Ken received an artificial heart pump - an LVAD Left Ventricular Assist device, we were told her would likely not survive more than 6 months with out surgical intervention. 2024 was a year that took us to the brink, when we almost lost him several different times... I am very grateful to the innovation and treatment options research and funding from the American Heart Association afford patients and their families.
We're all tied to heart disease and stroke in some way. We have to change that. Will you help me?
Your donation will fund groundbreaking research that literally keeps hearts beating and helps people have longer, healthier lives.
Have a heart and help me reach my goal today.