We are the 2025 Heart Walk Heroes Team and walking for our heath and yours...
The reason WHY I participate in the Mini Heart is two fold and very important to me.
First, am walking as remembrance to my Father currently in Heaven having fun. He had a stroke in 2019 the day after Christmas and passed nine days later. He was the Rock of the Family and left a legacy having been a Fab Father, Awesome Role Model and Jet Flying Marine, pictured above with his plane.
Secondly, am walking as the Mini Heart assits me in strengthening as I broke all three ankle bones and my leg bone in 2020, and being wheelchair bound for four months having to retrain my body to learn to walk. Am healed and have daily struggels and exercises for the rest of my life with my three titanium plates holding my foot to my leg, and 13 long screws. Am Blessed to be upright and walking!
- Donate to help the
Heart Walk Heroes Team of Worldpay !
Thank you for your help and awareness for American Heart Association Great Cause!
Julie A