I will continue to carry the torch this year for my bonus Dad Rich Bauer who sufffered a heart attack last year at the finish line at the Mini Heart Marathon. He was waiting for my bonus sister to come across the finish line for the marathon part and he fell to the ground , my bonus brother saw him and immediately started CPR, the medical professinals came over and got him stable to transport to the hospital.
I'm not just walking. I'm carrying the torch toward a world free from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. My participation in the Heart Mini-Marathon and Walk promotes fun ways to be physically active and make healthier choices every day. Imagine the impact if we reduce death and disability from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20 percent by 2020. Please help me reach this lifesaving goal by donating today. Together, we can make healthier, longer lives possible for everyone.
I am walking in honor of my Dad, my Daughter, my Sister Tracy, my Brother Mike and Cousin Kim who have been effected by Heart Disease and I hope through my participation and donation that I will make a difference in their lives and other peoples lives.
Please help me to reach my goal of $1,000.00 for my Brother and for everyone that is affected by this horrible disease.
Thank you in advance for your support!