Matthew was born 26 years ago with pulmonary valve stenosis, a thickening of his pulmonary valve. At age 1, and again at age 14, he had a surgical procedure called valvuloplasty to open his pulmonary valve. Because the procedure was relatively new and saved him from undergoing open-heart surgery twice, his family realizes how important research is in the development of new technology and treatments for heart disease and stroke!
Throughout these 26 years he has met many people who walk for their own loved ones. He has also added more names to the list of people the team walks for: his grandpa, his high school bowling coach, his uncles, and other dear family friends who have suffered from various forms of our nations #1 and #5 killers.
This is why his team, Matthew's Mighty Marchers, has been participating in the Heart Mini for 26 years and raising funds to support the lifesaving work of the American Heart Association.
Please take an active role by joining our team on March 16, 2025 and/or making a tax-deductible donation today.