I serve as the Giving Society Ambassador for the Cleveland Metro Division of the American Heart Association. I have stepped up to fight heart disease and stroke by participating as an Executives with Heart Member and I'm reaching out to you for support.
I have volunteered to participate in this challenge because I believe in the work of the association and my family, like many, has been personally impacted. I was recently given the opportunity to fund a research grant in my Mom's name, which was directly related to how she passed away. I am very passionate about research and was honored to be given the opportunity to help fund advancements in medicine and procedures. Funds raised from the local Walk campaign are re-invested in local research grants to our region’s healthcare and education institutions ($15M currently being funded in Cleveland in cardiovascular and stroke research), this is research benefiting us all. The Heart Walk provides a platform to motivate and inspire the community to make positive lifestyle changes, while highlighting the importance of cardiovascular & stroke education.
Through funds raised, the American Heart Association funds research that translates into lifesaving medical advancements, treatment guidelines, wellness initiatives, awareness campaigns, CPR training, and other initiatives to reduce mortality and improve overall health.
There is much work to be done, and I need your help.
I am asking you to take 2 minutes and consider making a donation. If you have already contributed to the campaign this year, thank you. As community leaders, we are frequently called upon to support many worthy causes, and I appreciate your consideration to connect with a cause that affects all of our lives.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration to join us this year and your dedication to health, wellness and life. Together we can make a difference!
Tom Hablitzel
My Mom is why