Epic Services has grown as a team over the last few years and our ability to fundraise as part of Ensemble's team has too! Join our team today, even if not available to attend the walk in person you can participate and support virtually! You will receive an awesome t- shirt also! If you are unable to walk, please consider donating to our team.
If you think about it, each one of us know someone- a family member, friend, or even ourselves that are touched by a Cardio vascular diagnosis.
9 out of 10 people who suffer cardiac arrest outside the hospital die. In most of those cases, bystander CPR was not performed. But we can change this.
Cardiac arrests happen at work, in homes, on athletic fields and in neighborhoods everywhere, and the readiness of our community can be the difference between life and death.
It's time to unite, take action, and save lives. Every walker who joins, every dollar donated, means more people trained in lifesaving CPR, more research and more lifesaving moments for everyone.
We Walk to Save Lives. Help us reach our goal today by joining our team or donating towards our goal. Together, we can turn bystanders into lifesavers.