I'm so glad to participate in the 2024 Heart Walk, and to help others who want to make a difference in the fight against heart disease and strokes.
As some of you may already know, I lost my father suddenly to a heart attack when I was 11. This was devestating for me, my sister, my mother, and everyone who knew and loved my dad. None of us had any idea that he had heart disease until it was too late. Education around heart disease and treatment for it wasn't as good back then as it is today, and part of why things are better now is through massive efforts from the American Heart Association on disease prevention. We still have a long way to go, and we have to keep fighting.
Your donation for the Heart Walk goes directly towards education, research, and prevention efforts that help directly in saving lives.
I walk because I know that with every step, I’m making a difference in someone’s life. And when combined with a million other Heart Walk Heroes across the nation, we have an even greater impact toward curing heart disease and stroke.