Each year I walk in honor of my Grandpa Roger, whose life was extended for more than two decades as a result of medical intervention made possible through the research funded by the American Heart Association. It is the most personal example I have of how the science of the AHA can save and improve lives.
This year, I am also walking in honor of my two children. I want Lucas and Charlie to live in a community where bystanders jump to action in an emergency situation, I want them to know how to help save a life. I want Lucas and Charlie to be healthy and know how to take care of their bodies and minds so their hearts stay strong, and they can take on all the challenges life may throw their way. I want Lucas and Charlie to have access to the best possible medical care if they ever need it – or to know that it will be there if someone they love needs it. I want Lucas and Charlie to know that we have an obligation to take care of each other and participate in ways that help the community at large. I want Lucas and Charlie and all their friends to have the healthiest meals possible at school. I want Lucas and Charlie to understand the dangers of tobacco products and know how NOT-cool smoking and vaping is. I want Lucas and Charlie to understand the power of science, advocacy, and community to make a better healthier world for EVERYONE.