It's been 3.5 years since my dad’s heart surgery that saved his life. As I reflect on the months that have passed since his quadruple bypass in September 2020, I think about all the memories we have made with him. All the memories my children have made with him. What an impact it would have made on all our lives if he wasn’t here today.
I’ve raised funds for the American Heart Association every year for the past 8 years. But the past 3 years, the mission of the AHA has hit a little closer to home. The AHA funds more cardiovascular research each year than any other organization other than the federal government. We give MILLIONS of grant dollars every year to scientific geniuses who are working tirelessly toward the next big cardiovascular breakthrough. A breakthrough that may save one of your loved ones lives someday. I thank you for your consideration in donating to help to continue to move the needle in this important and lifesaving work. Please continue reading to learn more about my Dad’s journey..
Larry V’s Story..
For anyone who knows my Dad, you know that he is in great health for his age. He maintains a healthy weight, doesn’t smoke, is active, eats well and does all the things you're supposed to do to keep your body relatively healthy. In July 2020 he had an annual physical and EKG given by his primary physician. The Dr. saw what he called perhaps "a little something" on the EKG and referred him to a cardiologist for a stress test to check it out further. The Dr. told us it was likely nothing but wanted to do it just to be safe. Because of COVID the cardiologist office was only scheduling stress tests once a month. He therefor had to wait about 6 weeks to be seen again. At the time we weren’t all that concerned…the Dr. said it was likely nothing. He seemed FINE. Early September he had his stress test done, which also showed a little something, then prompting the cardiologist to do a coronary angiogram. Again, we were not worried. He was feeling great…there could not possibly be something horribly wrong with his heart. He would have felt off, right?
This is the point of the story where I, Larry V’s daughter, who worships the ground he walks on was in complete and utter denial. There could not be anything wrong with my superhero Dad. He was invincible. Nothing could take him down. He’d surely live to be in his 90s like his Father who never had any health issues… Oh. Except for those 2 open heart surgeries Papa had in the 90s. Also, guys, I work for the AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION!! This is the exact story I hear every single day. Healthy middle-aged man with no symptoms dies of heart attack. But, in this very moment I refused to believe he was anything but in optimal health.
So fast forward to September 10th, he has his angiogram and guess what...that "little something" turned out to be a BIG something. In fact, he was fully blocked in ALL arteries and his heart was only pumping at 30% capacity. The cardiologist wouldn’t event let him go home and transferred him immediately to the Fresno Heart Hospital for emergency triple bypass surgery 2 days later. The Dr. said over and over how incredibly lucky he was. That he was a “ticking time bomb” for a heart attack so massive that he very likely wouldn’t have survived. His case was one of the “go to sleep don't wake up” kind. Scary stuff.
Of course, he handled his surgery like a total boss and was back at home driving my retired OR nurse of a mother crazy, not following strict Drs orders, and generally back to his normal self just a couple days later…all in true Larry V. fashion. All jokes aside however, his recovery went so well because he WAS in overall great health. These types of surgeries and the recovery can be detrimental to folks who do not maintain a healthy lifestyle. So, I am grateful and proud of him for that.
I hope you’ll join me in supporting the American Heart Association because although my Dad’s story ends happy, there are many stories that do not. Many daughters lose their superhero, worship the ground they walk on Fathers because that “ticking time bomb” indeed goes off. In fact every 40 seconds an American had a heart attack and heart disease remains the #1 killer of Americans today. In close, I hope you’ll support my fundraising efforts in honor of my Dad Thank you!