Thank you for supporting Jason, our family and the American Heart Association. Your kindness and generosity are greatly appreciated. It is because of people like you that Jason was able to receive the life-saving care that he needed. I will be thinking of you with gratitude every step of the race.
On Monday, October 9th, 2023, Jason suffered a heart attack. He had a 100% blockage in his LAD artery that was cleared and a stent was placed. By the grace of God and fast-acting healthcare workers, his life was saved. I will forever be grateful that Jason was saved that day. Through hard work, patience and a positive attitude he has been blessed to make a full recovery. But, while I focused on Jason's recovery, I also couldn't help but think about heart health in a broader scope.
After months of reflecting on what happened, my million dollar question is - what could have been done to prevent this? Cardiac screenings are not done preventatively for asymptomatic people in their 30's or even 40's. But had there been a baseline screening for blockages, could this have been prevented?
By running the Chicago Marathon on behalf of the American Heart Association, I won't be able to decide where the funds I raise are directly allocated, but I can be a part of raising money for the future of cardiac care. I am running to support those who provide the kind of care Jason received, support the research that created the medicines that continue to help save his life, support the organization that works tirelessly to educate people on the importance of heart health, support the people who are working on the advancements of tomorrow.
I would be honored if you would consider supporting my fundraising efforts on behalf of the American Heart Association. Any contribution made will have a substantial impact on all those who suffer from cardiac issues. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your support of Jason's heart.
With Love and For Heart,