My Beach Ride is dedicated to my Aunt Martha, cousin Diane, niece Cortney and cousin Evelyn. In 1959 Aunt Martha was the first patient to have open heart surgery at Aultman Hospital in Canton OH when they repaired a congenital heart defect that had severely limited her life. Sadly, Aunt Martha has gone home to be with the Lord but her surgery gave her 60 more years of healthy life. Two years later, her baby daughter, Diane, had the same surgery. Today, Diane is a healthy wife, mother and grandmother. A generation later, my niece Cortney had surgery to repair the same heart defect. Today Cortney is Army Strong, serving our country and the mother of a toddler! Another generation later Aunt Martha's great-granddaughter Evelyn had to have the same heart defect repaired. Today she's a happy pre-schooler! Research funded by the AHA helped develop and improve the surgeries that let them have active, healthy lives! Aunt Martha and Diane had to have their sternums split open to have their hearts fixed. Cortney's was done through an incision in her side between her ribs. And little Evelyn's was done via a catheter! In 4 generations we went from a huge surgical incision and weeks in the hospital to a couple stitches, a bandaid and a night or two in the hospital.
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