Hello Friends and family
I am excited to partner with you again for the 12th year to support the American Heart Association. You have been so loyal and generous in the past years and I am so grateful for you. The last couple years I pondered about not going and to invest in other charities but every year someone touches my heart, or I have had a loss of a loved one from a heart attack or know someone who has been touched by heart disease. Every year I tell you why I keep doing it. Well, this year is no acception. Here is my
WHY: Last year as I was riding the 20 miles, (10 miles up the beach,10 back) on my way to the half way point a lady stopped me, she told me she wanted to "Thank me/us" for what we do. As she "thanked " she proceeded to tell me that the AHA saved her brothers life last year. And that what we do made a difference in his life and it saved him. She was emotionally grateful and it truely warm my heart and I realized the impact it has on others that I don't even see. I want you all to know that you and your generosity do make a differece. I saw her gratitude and gratefullness as she told her story. It was short but very empowering.
Your donations help with the advanced research for the AHA, which truly is saving lives. It's real. It's important. We need you again this year if its possible for you.
Just knowing we are making a differerence and helping people and changing lives is such a blessing. I'm proud to be a part of the American Heart Asso. I'm proud of YOU! I'm grateful for YOU! Thank you for always supporting me in my fund raising for the AHA.
Praying you and yours are healthy and have a great summer!
love and blessings