Noah was born October 23, 2012 with a Congenital Heart Defect and underwent open heart surgery at 7 days old on October 30, 2012 at the Medical University of SC (MUSC). His surgery was on the weekend of the 2012 Beach Ride. He is my grandson and I have attended the ride for many years with fellow Pendleton Area Saddle Club (PASC) members. I was unable to attend the ride in 2012 because we were at MUSC with Noah having his surgery. However, I sent out an email 4 days before the ride requesting all PASC members to join “Noah’s Team” and ride for him. Hence “Team Noah” was born.
Team Noah has grown over the years far beyond that handful of original PASC members. We are 80+ members strong and have members from all over South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee. We have a great time at this event! We have our own “Team Noah Tent” (campsite 6412), eat breakfast together every morning, special suppers together every night and have Team entries for all the Beach Ride contests (T-shirt, parade, campsite decorating, etc)! We have even put on a fundraising BBQ while we are there for the whole campground!
New members are always welcome to join “Team Noah” and follow Noah’s progress, along with us, every year at the Beach Ride. If you are willing, we would love to have you join!