Thank you for supporting American Heart Association. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!
We are riding this 2025 year in honor of our special friend and team member - Brad Corbett. We lost Brad to a Massive Heart Attack late September 2022. As we were getting ready for our AHA Beach Ride that year, it was sadly going to be without Brad for the first time. We plowed through it and were still in shock from our loss on the 2022 ride.
Our Mountain Posse team persevered and got through the year without our friend. Attending the 2023 Awards Night, we all realized we had our own story to tell and first hand experience with this terrible disease. We decided that night that we were going to work harder, raising as much money as we could for the American Heart Association. Education and Research are vital in the prevention of heart disease. We fully believe in supporting this mission.
Thank you for your help in this cause! We will continue riding for our friend, Brad, and the for the AHA!