Thank you for supporting American Heart Association. Your contribution is greatly appreciated. Please take a moment and help me reach my GOAL I lost my mom Jill the year I turned 50 that was the year 2014 from a HEART ATTACK that was sudden and now I want to do all I can to help with more research to save as many people as possible I really dont want anyone to go thru the sudden heart ache that follows a STROKE or HEART ATTACK so please reach inside and help me help you. GIVE FROM THE HEART TO SAVE A HEART
This event has raised out of a goal of for % total progress.
Welcome Give From Your HEART to Save a HEART
My mom JILL
Personal Progress:
of Goal
Fundraising Honor Roll
Gary Holstein
Brad Hoffman
Jessica Groves
Patchwork Pony
Valley Cash Feed
Steve &Stacy BP Services
Wendy Johnson
Animal Wellness dba Kanawha Blvd. Animal Hospital
Bigley Piggly Wiggly
Susan T
Debby Rose
Debby Rose
Marc Arnold
Bobby Jenks
Derek & Christen Raynes
Lisa Meade
Mrs. Kay Mikeal
Raelyn Strader
Lauren Rasberry
Pam Smith
Erin O'Bryan
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