Heather S.

My School: Wyeville Elementary

My Team: Wyeville Elementary Tomah, WI

I am a Survivor
{{personalPagePhoto1.caption != '' ? personalPagePhoto1.caption : 'Student Photo'}}

Help me raise more lifesaving donations

How would you like to donate?

I've raised $654.93

My goal is $250


Our event is kicking off on {{schoolPlan.EventStartDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} and will conclude on {{schoolPlan.EventEndDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} .

My Story

Avatar for Heather S.
Please help me save lives with the American Heart Association!

I'm participating in the school's Kids Heart Challenge at Wyeville and raising funds to help everyone have healthy hearts. 

Heart disease is something that runs very strong in my family.  After loosing my dad to a heart attack 7 years ago I know I want to take all the steps I can to have a healthy heart! 

I'm really excited and hope you will help me save lives by donating!

Thank you!

Check Out My Badges

Loading Badges...
{{prize.label}} Badge Earned
Returning Student Badge Earned Returning Student
Individual School Challenge Badge Earned Individual School Challenge Completed
School Goal Challenge Badge Earned School Goal Challenge Completed
You've raised more than $250 Badge Earned Raised more than $250

My Challenge

{{challengeName}} {{challengeName}}

I have a {{challengeCompleted}} day streak for moving more! for being kind!

Donate to Heather

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Saluting these top fundraisers:

  • {{personalDonor.name}} {{personalDonor.amountFormatted}}