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Our School is Heart Healthy!

Memorial Families, 

          Our School Has Heart!!!!!  It’s that time of year again, one of our favorite events held in PE!!  We are getting ready to kick off the Kids Heart Challenge with the American Heart Association!! Over the next few weeks students will be learning about their heart, learning new jump roping skills, raising awareness, and funds for the American Heart Association. 

Last year our school raised over $55,650.00!!! Still unbelievable to me how much we all can make a difference!  Just like many of our students- when we talk about who this helps- (of course not just us getting healthier during PE) but our families and friends who have needed the support through the AHA- I am personally forever grateful for the impact we each have, Together we can continue to help support and raise money to help the American Heart Association.

Huge thank you and as always so much appreciation for your time and dedication throughout this amazing unit!!

<3 Miss Pascarelli :-) 

PS: Our students would love for you to come and join us jumping on March 15th, so lace up your sneakers and get ready!!! 


My School

Our event is kicking off on {{schoolPlan.EventStartDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} and will conclude on {{schoolPlan.EventEndDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} .

Our donation due date is {{schoolPlan.DonationDueDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}

School Student Goal is {{schoolPlan.StudentRecruitmentGoal}}

{{companyProgress.percent | number:0}}%

Saluting these top fundraisers

School Achievements

First Year Participating Badge
Top 25 School
Heartsaver School
Best Year Ever {{highestRaisedYear}} and Amount Raised of {{highestRaisedAmount | currency:'$':0}}
{{highestRaisedAmount | currency:"$":0}}

Our Stats

{{CountOfStudentsCompletingFinnsMission}} {{CountOfStudentsCompletingFinnsMission}}

student completed Finn's mission.

students completed Finn's mission.


student registered.

students registered.


family learned Hands-Only CPR.

families learned Hands-Only CPR.

Finn's Mission Completion

Finn's Mission Completion and Hands-Only CPR Training update overnight at 3 a.m.


Top class for dollars raised

{{topRaised.raised | currency:"$":0}}

Top class for registered students


Top grade for dollars raised

{{topRaised.raised | currency:"$":0}}

Top grade for registered students


Top students
by minutes

{{topActivity.first_name}} {{topActivity.last_name.substr(0,1)}}.

Thank You to Our Local Sponsor
