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Our School is Heart Healthy!


Our School Has Heart!

Join us in learning about heart health and raising funds to protect all hearts – especially other kids’! Through fun activities we’ll discover ways to take care of our hearts and brains while practicing kindness, gratitude and learning ways to de-stress. Plus, we have the chance to earn PE equipment for our school!


  • If we can beat last year and raise $20,000, then we will get a school wide extra recess and popsicle party!
  • The class with the most students registered will get a PE with HEART Day!
  • Students that complete Finn's Mission will get a donut party & Cougar Cash! If all students who sign up complete Finn’s Mission, our school will have a DANCE PARTY!


My School

Our event is kicking off on {{schoolPlan.EventStartDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} and will conclude on {{schoolPlan.EventEndDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} .

Our donation due date is {{schoolPlan.DonationDueDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}

School Student Goal is {{schoolPlan.StudentRecruitmentGoal}}

{{companyProgress.percent | number:0}}%

Saluting these top fundraisers

School Achievements

First Year Participating Badge
Top 25 School
Heartsaver School
Best Year Ever {{highestRaisedYear}} and Amount Raised of {{highestRaisedAmount | currency:'$':0}}
{{highestRaisedAmount | currency:"$":0}}

Our Stats

{{CountOfStudentsCompletingFinnsMission}} {{CountOfStudentsCompletingFinnsMission}}

student completed Finn's mission.

students completed Finn's mission.


student registered.

students registered.


family learned Hands-Only CPR.

families learned Hands-Only CPR.

Finn's Mission Completion

Finn's Mission Completion and Hands-Only CPR Training update overnight at 3 a.m.


Top class for dollars raised

{{topRaised.raised | currency:"$":0}}

Top class for registered students


Top grade for dollars raised

{{topRaised.raised | currency:"$":0}}

Top grade for registered students


Top students
by minutes

{{topActivity.first_name}} {{topActivity.last_name.substr(0,1)}}.

Thank You to Our Local Sponsor
