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Our School is Heart Healthy!

WCES Has Heart!! 

It's AHA's 100 year birthday! To celebrate, we partnered with the NFL and Damar Hamlin, whose life was saved by CPR!

Any student who completes Finns Mission will automatically be entered for a chance to win a pair of Super Bowl Tickets!!!

Sign up today for Kids Heart Challenge online or on the Free App, complete Finns Mission to learn Hands-Only CPR, and earn the chance to win!! 

Our event kicked off Tuesday, Jan 30th! 

Our goal is to have 54 kids complete Finns Mission at WCES this year! Students who complete FM & raise $50 or more will also be entered to win an Avocado Warmie. :)

My School

Our event is kicking off on {{schoolPlan.EventStartDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} and will conclude on {{schoolPlan.EventEndDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} .

Our donation due date is {{schoolPlan.DonationDueDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}

School Student Goal is {{schoolPlan.StudentRecruitmentGoal}}

{{companyProgress.percent | number:0}}%

Saluting these top fundraisers

School Achievements

First Year Participating Badge
Top 25 School
Heartsaver School
Best Year Ever {{highestRaisedYear}} and Amount Raised of {{highestRaisedAmount | currency:'$':0}}
{{highestRaisedAmount | currency:"$":0}}

Our Stats

{{CountOfStudentsCompletingFinnsMission}} {{CountOfStudentsCompletingFinnsMission}}

student completed Finn's mission.

students completed Finn's mission.


student registered.

students registered.


family learned Hands-Only CPR.

families learned Hands-Only CPR.

Finn's Mission Completion

Finn's Mission Completion and Hands-Only CPR Training update overnight at 3 a.m.


Top class for dollars raised

{{topRaised.raised | currency:"$":0}}

Top class for registered students


Top grade for dollars raised

{{topRaised.raised | currency:"$":0}}

Top grade for registered students


Top students
by minutes

{{topActivity.first_name}} {{topActivity.last_name.substr(0,1)}}.

Thank You to Our Local Sponsor
