We have some BONUS incentives for our students this year:
School Goal: 50 Students Sign up and/or 10 Students Complete Finn’s we will have an ALL SCHOOL Popsicle party with JOHNNY POPS!
Every student that completes Finn’s Mission will be enjoy a PIZZA PARTY with Principal Meyer, receive a Finn’s Lifesaver cape and entered to win 2 tickets to the 2026 NFL Superbowl!
• Top Participating Class (most students registered) will enjoy a POPCORN or TRAIL MIX BAR and a MOVIE or EXTRA RECESS. Class will decide.
• Raise $150 and receive Wylie and Bingo collectible keychain.
• Classroom Incentive: Help your classroom teacher earn $50 in Amazon rewards when 50% of class registers and 3 or more students/staff complete Finn’s Mission.
• For every 18 students that complete Finn’s Mission your school will be entered to win a $10,000 gym makeover on behalf of the NFL.