The Heart Walk is taking place on September 25 this year….a day that broke my heart 20 years ago when my Grandma passed away from a stroke.
This picture is the last one I took with her…a month later, she was in the hospital. I was able to make it to her bedside just in time for her to know who I was and that I loved her before several more strokes took her ability to speak or understand anything.
After her passing, I chose to honor her by learning to love something that I hated to do…run. She always taught me that I can do anything I put my mind to, and I knew that if I could conquer something I absolutely despised…she would be with me the whole way cheering me from heaven.
The rest is history…if you know me. I ran a full marathon for the American Stroke Association and raised money to fight stroke head on. Then I ran another and another (and several more) and started my career with AHA. 18 years and $40 million raised later….I found my purpose and passion.
While we have come a long way, heart disease is still the #1 threat we all face and stroke is #5. Please consider supporting the AHA again this year in honor my Grandma. Life is why. Family is why. Time is why. I want all of you to have more time with your family and friends!
Thank you in advance for your support! - Deb