2025 Cape Fear Heart Walk
Is there a registration fee?
Nope. Instead, participants are encouraged to fundraise, so your impact is limitless (don’t worry, we’ll help!) and make a personal donation to support the Heart Walk.
Should I register ahead of time?
Absolutely! Registering online gives you access to all our great fundraising tools and keeps you updated on day-of-event info. There is also our Move More Activity Challenge that starts 30 days pre-event and you don't want to miss out on all of the fun!
If I participated last year, how do I get my login information?
Oops. Forgot your login? Recover it here using the "Forgot Username or Password" link.
Can I participate in Heart Walk if I'm not on a Team?
Sure, you can walk and fundraise individually. Every donation raised will help create big science! But hey, since you’re already on board, maybe consider starting a team and asking friends, family and coworkers to join you in becoming Heart Walk heroes. It’s easy, and we’ll walk you through each step.
Is there a fundraising minimum?
No, and there’s no maximum either! We encourage every participant to make a difference by asking friends and family for donations and by making a personal donation.
How are donations made?
Donations can be made securely to your personal fundraising page with a credit card, PayPal, Venmo and more. Cash and checks may also be collected. All checks should be made payable to the American Heart Association. Fun fact? You can deposit checks directly through the Heart Walk App!
Will I receive a Heart Walk T-shirt?
All walkers who raise over $100 can redeem Heart Walk Hero Gear from our Heart Walk Rewards Center, located in your Heart Walk Headquarters and in the Heart Walk App. There are so many cool options to choose from and the best part is they will be shipped directly to you after you redeem them. The Rewards Center is available pre-Walk and up to 6 weeks post-Walk for redemption! We can't wait to see what you pick!
Can I fundraise after Walk Day?
Of course! Who are we to stop you from achieving fundraising fame? Your fundraising page will stay open for approximately 6 weeks after the event. You can also submit cash and checks to your local American Heart Association office at any time.
Is there a Heart Walk App?
Yes! Our app, for both iPhone and Android, has everything need and more! Connect with others through social media, email and text, manage your pages and even deposit checks! You can even pre-schedule posts ahead of time on Facebook and LinkedIn. This is also where the Move More Challenge activity tracker will show up 30 days before your Heart Walk date!
How do I fundraise on Facebook?
It is fun to raise funds on Facebook, so we are glad you asked! Log into your Heart Walk Headquarters and go to "MY DASHBOARD" then scroll down & click "CONNECT TO FACEBOOK FUNDRAISER". Once you do so, all donations received through Facebook will be credited to your fundraising page and go toward your Walk.
What kind of support will I or my team receive?
Real live Heart Walk staff and volunteers are ready to help every step of the way with fundraising tools, resources and any other support you may need. You should also check out all of the tools in the Heart Walk Headquarters under the resources tab once you register.
Should I bring any funds I did not raise online to walk day or drop it off somewhere before the event?
We accept funds anytime! Contact your local AHA staff and they will share all the money pick up/drop off opportunities.
Are there activities pre-Walk Day to take part in?
Yes, the Move More Activity Challenge starts 30 days prior to your Heart Walk date. Simply download the Heart Walk App and 30 days prior to the Walk the activity challenge icon will appear and you will be able to start tracking your minutes of activity. During the final Heart Walk week there is also a Week of Wellness with daily inspiration for your overall health and well-being. Register early so you don’t miss out!
What is the Move More Activity Challenge?
We could all use some help to keep moving and stay in touch. The Move More Challenge will get you moving while protecting the hearts you love. Simply download the Heart Walk App or if you already have the app make sure to update it. 30 days prior to your Walk date, the activity tracker icon will appear in your app. You’ve got 30 days to log your activity minutes and see if you can reach 150 minutes a week. Any activity counts, you can walk, run or dance. Just get moving and make sure to activate your workout so we count your minutes. There is even a leaderboard for top movers. Register today to get all the updates about the Move More Activity Challenge. Your Activity Tracker will go live 30 days before your Heart Walk!
Will the Heart Walk be in person this year?
We're moving forward with plans to host the Heart Walk in person in most markets around the nation. The health and safety of our survivors, participants, staff and volunteers will be our top priorities as we make decisions about day-of-event details. We'll continue to offer options to participate for everyone’s comfort level no matter whether you join us in person or in your favorite park or in your neighborhood. Choose our path or yours. No matter where you choose to walk, participating and donating to Heart Walk will save and improve lives. Register today and be the first to know about the Walk logistics and details in your area.
Can I wear a mask to the Heart Walk?
Absolutely. Our events are mask-friendly.
What is the Heart Walk On Demand Playlist?
Get your groove on with us and be connected as one no matter where you walk with our new Heart Walk On Demand Playlist. The playlist is a great collection of music and mission to inspire every step! The playlist will be available the week of the Heart Walk and you will have access to it directly from your local Heart Walk website.
Is there a check in/registration area day of walk?
No, there is no check in/registration area day of walk. Simply lace up, show up and walk with us! If you have cash or checks, please contact your local AHA staff and they will share all of the money pick up/drop off opportunities visit our donation tent to drop off funds.
How far is each Walk?
Just far enough. But seriously, most Heart Walks are 3 miles. Some have shorter routes for families with children, survivors and others who want to walk but may not be able to complete the longer route. You can find the details on your local Heart Walk website event page.
Is there any special recognition for survivors of heart disease and stroke?
Of course, survivors are the heart of the Heart Walk! They’re given commemorative red or white ball caps to wear during the Walk to show their triumph over heart disease or stroke. Check with your local staff for more specific information on additional recognition.