C. Herman Construction

Fundraising Progress $15,318
Fundraising Goal $7,500
Team: Coach: Company: Raised: Join Team Link
Name: Company: Raised: Donation Link

We Walk to Save Lives!

C. Herman Construction participates in the Charleston Heart Walk and supports the American Heart Association to demonstrate our commitment to health, wellness, and community engagement. By joining the Heart Walk, we not only honor those affected by heart conditions but also take an active role in raising awareness and funds for life-saving research and education.

Heart disease is particularly significant in the construction industry, where high stress, long hours, and physically demanding work increase the risk of cardiovascular issues. According to industry studies, construction workers experience a higher prevalence of heart disease compared to other professions.

At C. Herman Construction, we are dedicated to raising awareness about these risks and encouraging healthier lifestyles for our team. Supporting the Heart Walk is one way we prioritize the health and safety of our employees while contributing to a cause that directly impacts our industry and community.

Together, we build not just structures but healthier futures. Support our team today!