Dear Friends
This year I am hoping to raise $25,000 for the AHA Heart & Stroke Walk. Like many of us I 've seen my loved ones suffer from heart attacks and stroke. I was sixteen, it was a lovely spring evening and i went in to my grandfather's room to tell him tea was ready in the garden. He must have had a heart attack and died shortly before i found him. He was a strapping six foot tall super strong guy, i still remember fondly sitting with him hearing his hunting stories.
You have stories like that as well I'm sure. Loved ones who did not know about cholesterol and heart disease. I'm sure you've seen loved ones paralyzed or taken away by stroke.
The American Heart Association is doing good work in our local community. At Western Health Advantage i work closely with the AHA offering support for local food banks, school mental health education for adolescents, diabetes and hypertension education, CPR classes, stroke awareness and COVID research. Please help me, Khuram.