My late wife, Kristin Lester, was a heart disease survivor. She developed postpartum cardiomyopathy after the birth of our second child. Three years later she received a heart transplant. She lived a full life for the next 16 years. She received the heart of a 13 year old boy and vowed to live her life the way he would have, and she did. She was involved in all of our boys' activities, church activities and created a wonderful home for our family.
Kristin suffered acute rejection of her heart transplant last year and passed away before she was able to receive another transplant.
I support the American Heart Association and specifically the Austin Heart Walk because I've seen first hand the results of the research funded in part by the American Heart Association. It is my personal goal to see the day where nobody suffers from heart disease or stroke.
Will you help me? Your donation will fund groundbreaking research that literally keeps hearts beating and helps people have longer, healthier lives.
Have a heart and help me reach my goal today.