Karen Loftis

Fundraising Progress $105
Fundraising Goal $250

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I Walk to Save Lives!

I'm walking as a way to say thank you to all of the medical professionals with Advocate Aurora Health who have helped me and so many others manage chronic heart conditions. 

The American Heart Association has provided education and morale support as I've worked my way through diagnosis and treatment of ventricular hypertrophy and AFIB.  I've been blessed with extraordinary caregivers and on the receiving side of  emerging new treatments that have my heart steadily beating in sinus rhythm.

If you or a loved one have experienced AFIB, you'll understand how the happiness of a steady reliable sinus rhythm heartbeat has to be shared! 

Will you join me in making a difference in the lives of others by participating in the Heart Walk?

I am walking with a team of heart heros in hopes that one day we will live in a world free of heart disease and stroke.  You can help us change the world, one step at a time, by joining the team and walking with us or by donating to my fundraiser 

Your donation will fund groundbreaking research that keeps hearts beating and helps people enjoy longer, healthier lives. Every step counts. And together we are helping save lives!

Have a heart and help me reach my goal today!