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Our School is Heart Healthy!

We are excited to announce that we are partnering with the American Heart Association to bring an anti-vaping/heart healthy wellness week to Noe Middle School! Students will learn all about the wellness week themes and activities this Friday. Then Monday October 23rd - Friday October 27th, we will have fun dressing up while learning the dangers of vaping and how we can keep our minds and bodies healthy!

Through your participation and support you're not only helping hearts in our community, but you're also helping those who need it most. Your donation will fund groundbreaking research and programs that literally keeps hearts beating and helps people have longer, healthier lives.


Monday - Dress Like a Disco Ball (Wear Silver, Grey or Glitter)

Tuesday - Wear Tie Die

Wednesday - Wear Pajamas

Thursday - Throwback Thursday

Friday - Stayin' Alive. Wear Red Day!​


500 students registered online - Schoolwide Hat Day

600 students registered online – Noe earns $500 in US Games Certificates to spend on PE/Play Equipment

$2,000 Raised – School Earns Outside Free Time

54 students completing Finn's Mission – school will earn 3 entries into the NFL $10,000 gym makeover (1 per 18 students) 

Thank you for helping us reach our goal!

Save lives by donating and helping us reach our goal

Our event is kicking off on {{schoolPlan.EventStartDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} and will conclude on {{schoolPlan.EventEndDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} .

Our donation due date is {{schoolPlan.DonationDueDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}

School Student Goal is {{schoolPlan.StudentRecruitmentGoal}}

{{companyProgress.percent | number:0}}%

Top Fundraisers

Our Stats

{{CountOfStudentsCompletingFinnsMission}} {{CountOfStudentsCompletingFinnsMission}}

student completed Finn's mission

students completed Finn's mission

{{participantCount}} {{participantCount}}

student registered

students registered


students raising money

{{totalEmails}} {{totalEmails}}

email sent

emails sent

Finn's Mission Completion updates overnight at 3 a.m.

Finn's Mission Completion

Finn's Mission Completion and Hands-Only CPR Training update overnight at 3 a.m.

Thank You to Our Local Sponsor
