Get Started KHC
Registration is now open! Our community counts on lifesavers like
you. Please sign your student up for our Kids Heart Challenge so
they can learn how to keep their hearts and brains healthy while
raising funds to help kids with special hearts. By completing Finn’s
Mission, they’ll also learn the lifesaving skill of Hands-Only CPR
and how to recognize a stroke.
Students in Kids Heart Challenge are raising funds
to help kids with special hearts — kids like Finn.
Born with multiple heart defects, Finn spent the first
eight months of his life in the hospital. Although
he’s had more than 18 procedures, today Finn is an
energetic third-grader who loves educating others
about heart health and helping kids with special

The American Heart Association is excited to extend our work with the NFL to support improving health outcomes at home and beyond through the Hands-Only CPR education. Students that complete Finn’s Mission will earn an entry for two tickets to Super Bowl LX in 2026 and your school will be entered to receive a $10,000 fitness equipment makeover for every 18 students who complete Finn’s Mission.

Convert all cash to a check(s) payable to the American Heart Association. Use the app to scan checks (and then shred them), and funds will immediately appear in your total online!

Ask your donor if their company provides matching gifts. That means their company will ALSO give you a donation! Go to to search company names.